When forced to stay home, we are bound to explore other means to continue to enjoy the things that make us happy.
For art, we might turn to podcasts, revisiting old books or digital tours. More notoriously, during this process we are likely to discover new sources of entertainment.
Creativity + boredom
Creativity and boredom go so well together that when they stumble upon each other, we are gifted the best results. Social media has been flooded with challenges and daily-whatevers and our favorite is coming from the Netherlands.
Tussen Kunst & Quarantaine is probably the funniest initiative for art lovers. Art history at home, accessible to anyone, and fun for all. Take your favorite painting, recreate it with whatever you have at home and share it online.
People have taken up this challenge in the blink of an eye. In two weeks, the Instagram account has reached over 200K followers. Does this prove that art is where we turn to in times of need? When we can’t go to art, maybe we become the art?
There is probably no moral behind this story, except for fun times. Bottom line is that we are paying attention to artworks that wouldn’t otherwise have come to sight naturally. Plus, maybe we notice something that had slipped our mind before, by seeing it represented through someone else’s point of view.
The art role of tomorrow
Teenagers today have access and manage the internet like no other. That’s how they excel at communicating and delivering their messages. It is important that the institutions and schools can offer tools that enhance the youth of today’s natural skills to make sure they can make the most of them.
If young people connect online to discuss what happens to them and what they are interested in, all those who share an interest in art, could use resources to make that same experience much more profitable and thus, motivate their curiosity and will to learn.
Let’s not forget that the institutions of today are built by yesterday’s youth, and will shape the art world of tomorrow. The generational gap, however, is wider each year, and now, more than ever, paying attention to what we can learn of the new generations, is key.
Online art sales and forced trustNo Longer Empty, generally “curates bold, site-responsive exhibitions in unconventional locations across New York City”. Since the lockdown, it has closed its doors and opened a ”city-wide, youth-led, virtual space for NYC youth to work together on documenting their responses to COVID-19 through engaging art projects and discussion”. This type of initiative could take place all year round, and include the youth that cannot necessarily be able to attend personally.
If we can expand the possibilities to make a more accessible art world of tomorrow, we probably should, and definitely with the help of the young.
While Instagram’s fast-consumption system is great for quick entertainment, it is not enough to satisfy the craving for high quality art. However, we have discovered that digital alternatives are not only possible, but doable. We are expecting more initiatives in the following weeks.
WindowSight is coming soon.
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